Apparently India has not gotten the memo that smoking is not a cool thing to do anymore. I know there was a time when people smoked for the sheer status they thought it brought them, and that it was cool.
But there has been a shift in North America. First, you can't smoke anywhere anymore, celebrities don't even want to be caught photographed smoking because it is pretty much socially unacceptable there, and because it is terrible for your health and makes you look 50 when you're only 40.
People here in India think it's cool to smoke. I've asked some men why they smoke and they said because it's cool (insert eye roll here).
That's when I start to lecture them and tell them how bad it is for their health, and how it gives them premature wrinkles. But of course it is THIS statement that usually works on them, I tell them that if me or any of my girlfriends noticed a hot guy in a bar, then saw him light up a cigarette, we probably wouldn't approach him. knowing it could affect them with the ladies, usually does the trick. Now for the small addiction problem....quitting is not an easy thing to do.
After the "smoking is not cool" memo finishes circulating Europe - people are STILL smoking up a storm there too- they have to send it to India. When I look at a man smoking, I do not see James Dean. I see yellow teeth, a wrinkled face and hear a very un-sexy hacking phlegm-y cough, none of which scream "oh baby, come to mommy."
I think my work here is done........
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