Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pet Peeves!

There are a few things that just irk me so much I find it hard not to tell people off. I always or usually keep my mouth shut, so I am using my blog as a way of telling these people exactly how annoying I think these things are!

  • People who take the elevator going up or down one floor! I hate this more than you know. When I am going from the 1st floor to the 6th floor it takes 5 minutes because we have to stop on every floor to let off someone who can't seem to walk up or down a flight of stairs! Even 2 floors crosses the line for me. I usually stare furiously at the back of their heads and I really really want to say "are you kidding me? You really could use the exercise!" My friend Labels does this all the time, and I refuse to get in the elevator with her. She always says to me, "I don't need to exercise, I can't keep weight on." This leaves me starring at her dumbfounded, while in my head I'm telling myself to keep my mouth shut!

  • When people say, "what happened!" This statement, question, comment, is used after everything and anything. It drives me bonkers.
Example 1
Me: "I'm not feeling well"
Colleague at work : "Why, what happened?"
Me: I don't know I'm just not feeling well, I don't know what happened!! (If I knew I'd either be a doctor or a psychic!!").

Example 2: While on the phone with Muscles, the signal breaks and one of us has to call the other back. This happens a lot.
I answer the phone.
Me: "Hello"
Muscles: "What happened"
Me: How the hell do I know? The signal broke, I didn't do anything! Stop asking me that"
Muscles: Laughs! Cause he asks me this EVERY TIME this happens and he knows it drives me crazy!

  • When I hand the people in the cafeteria at work a 100 rupee note to buy coffee that costs 10 rupees and they give me the change back in coupons that can only be used in the cafeteria! And what's worse is when it's a Friday and I won't even be back for 2 days. But I have a wallet full of coupons I can't use until Monday. I should have the right to get my change back in actual money, not coupons!!!! It's not like I'm returning a shirt at a department store, and they give me a credit note. It's a freaking cafeteria!
  • Horn honking! It's so damn irritating and people honk for the fun of it or just because they want to. Just because you have a horn doesn't mean you need to use it all the freaking time. Oh, there is a car in front of me, better honk, there is a car beside me, honk again, I see a car about 2 km's ahead of me better start honking. no one is beside me or in front of me, but better honk just in case! Stop it already.
  • People and not just men starring at me. I feel like saying, "Yes, Hollywood movies and the media have it right! I'm white, an easy lay, I have sex like the girls do in "American porno's," I have had 3 divorces, I am not close to my family, in fact I don't value them at all, and I'm rich!!! I wonder if i can fit that all on a t-shirt?!
Writing this post has been very therapeutic!

What are your pet peeves??? Comments please!


Anonymous said...

Great Post Shelley...I had one of my Pet peeves happen yesterday. You are going grocery shopping and you are trying to park your car and you finally see an empty start to turn into it can't as there is a Freakin shopping cart in the SPOT!! Can't people just put them in the little collecting area or return them back to the store?

Hope things are going well for you and I am still reading ALL of your blogs and loving them all...

Take Care
Kim (-:

Anonymous said...


Love the blog, great one!!!

Pet Peeves:
People driving slower in the fast lane than the slow lane

People who chew their gum with their mouth open! Drives me nuts!!!

I am sure I have more, but I do not want to seem like a complete bitch! LOL

Love you!!!!!

Amy Eyman-LeBlanc said...

My pet peeve: Slow walkers on very busy streets who also insist on stopping right in front of the entrances to shops.

Drives me BONKERS.

Anonymous said...

OMG too hillarious.....

my pet peeves... when you lose something and someone says to you "well where did you lose it?" Obviously if I knew where I lost it, it wouldn't be lost right?

Another pet peeve is going through drive through in the morning at Timmies, because i have my kids, and will not attempt to go inside, so they can see doughnuts, cookies, etc....and the guy in front of you is not only ordering a bagel and coffee but like 3 boxes of doughnuts.... ITS A DRIVE THROUGH>>>> you are supposed to drive through... not just sit there for an hour!

Your pet peeves were hillarious...i really dont get the caf thing... and i mean, if you dont go back, they make out with profit!